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Wild Break Page 5
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Page 5
A bartender at Bumper leaned across the bar, squinted at the image on my phone, then shouted over the loud music. He was a handsome man in his late 20s with a square jaw, smooth skin, and blue eyes. "Yeah, I remember her."
I raised my brow with surprise.
Bumper was an electronic dance music bar. It was always filled with pretty people bouncing in rhythm to the beat. The bass vibrated my chest, and there was barely room to breathe.
"I cut her off,” the bartender continued. “She was barely able to stand. Almost called you guys. That's the only reason I remember her. She was with these guys, and they kept feeding her drinks. They got pretty pissed when I cut them all off, and I thought they were going to start trouble."
"Did she leave with them?" I asked.
The bartender shrugged. "I don't know. They disappeared into the crowd."
"Do you remember what the guys looked like?"
The bartender shook his head. "Not really. Young guys. Early 20s."
"Would you recognize them if you saw them again?"
"Probably not."
"Do you remember what time it was when you saw her?" I asked.
"It was probably pretty close to closing time."
I gave him my card and told him to call me if he remembered any additional details.
JD and I left the bar and stepped onto the sidewalk. The line to Bumper was already around the corner.
"Well, at least we know Grace was alive after midnight," JD said.
"She could have left with those guys, or she could have been on her own. If she was on her own, she’d be an easy target."
"Sounds like the guys Grace was with thought she was an easy target, too," JD added.
We watched the drunk pedestrians weave the sidewalks for a moment. Then we headed across the street to the Turtle Club. The sign above the entrance had a green sea turtle painted on it. There were murals of sea turtles swimming in the ocean painted on the walls inside. The tabletops were painted to look like turtle shells.
There was nowhere to sit, and like every other club on the island, it was packed with sweaty bodies in spring attire. We pushed our way to the bar, and Jack ordered two whiskeys. He paid the tab, and we sipped our drinks, watching the crowd meander by.
"I like this time of year, but sometimes these crowds get on my nerves," JD said. "I feel like we've been displaced from our regular habitat."
"I'm sure you'll get over it when the next honey comes along," I said.
JD grinned. "Cheers!"
He lifted his glass, and just as we toasted, the guys next to us got into a fight. One shoved the other, and a big guy tumbled into JD, who, in turn, tumbled into me.
Like a row of dominoes, we toppled.
I twisted away and tried to regain my footing. In the process, I ran into a woman and spilled my drink down her bosom.
The raven-haired beauty was not pleased. An angry scowl twisted on her gorgeous face. Her nostrils flared, and she bared her pearly teeth. "What the actual fuck!"
She had a nice bosom which was now dripping with whiskey. The white V-neck top she wore was soaked, and her tight white skirt was stained with droplets of liquor.
"I'm sorry, ma'am,” I apologized.
The two guys that started the brawl exchanged a few punches. Fists flew. Knuckles bruised cheeks and smacked jaws.
JD flashed his badge and tried to break up the fight. "Coconut County! Knock it off, or you're both going down."
A bouncer grabbed one of the fighters, and JD pulled the other one away.
It looked like they had things under control, so I focused my attention on the sour brunette. "I'm happy to pay for the cleaning bill, ma'am."
"I can afford my own dry-cleaning, thank you very much!”
Judging by the diamond encrusted Rolex on her wrist, I said, "I’m sure you can."
Her lip curled in disgust. She looked down at her soaked garments and grumbled.
She was with a good-looking blonde in a tight black dress.
"It really wasn't my fault," I said.
The brunette gave me a drop dead look, huffed, and stormed toward the women's restroom.
Her blonde friend shrugged and followed the brunette.
The bouncer and JD escorted the two boxers out of the club and sent them down the sidewalk in different directions. JD didn't want to bother with the arrest.
I followed him to the sidewalk and said, “Let's get out of here."
We walked over to Tide Pool, and made our way to the patio bar to see Harper.
Beautiful people frolicked in, and around, the outdoor pool. Bikini tops floated in the water. Fruity drinks dangled from svelte fingers.
Harper was swamped at the Tiki hut, slinging drinks as fast as she could. JD ordered a round of drinks from his favorite bartender. She poured the whiskey and slid the glasses across the counter and JD handed her a few crisp bills.
"My friend Teagan is going to call you," Harper said to me. "She's looking for a new gig."
"Sounds good," I replied.
Harper was on to other customers. No time for small talk.
We took our drinks and moseyed around the pool to find a good vantage point to watch the crowd. We were on our second round of drinks when the raven-haired beauty from the Turtle Club emerged on the patio with her blonde friend in tow. She sauntered around the pool, heading towards the Tiki hut. When she passed by, I said, “Stop following me around."
Her eyes narrowed at me as she lifted an elegant, perfectly manicured middle finger.
JD laughed and patted me on the back. “Good to see you've still got it!"
I was licking my wounds when I saw something that cut even deeper. Across the patio, I saw Denise. She was out of uniform, which was always a welcome sight. Though she could make the polyester look good, she looked even better in civilian clothes.
She wore a bikini top and hotpants. That was enough to take my breath away, but the fact that she was with another guy was like a punch to the stomach. The two held hands as she pulled him around the pool.
JD put an elbow in my ribs. "Told you she wasn't going to stay single forever."
His smug tone of superiority made it even worse.
I clenched my jaw and forced a smile as they approached.
Denise’s eyes lit up. "Hey guys. This is Nick. Nick, these are my coworkers, Tyson and JD."
"It's nice to meet you," he said, extending his hand.
I figured I should play nice, so I reluctantly shook his hand.
He was a good-looking guy. Brown hair, blue eyes, sculpted features. I hated him instantly.
"Nick is a pilot. He flies charter jets."
"Great," I said, trying not to sound too bitter and rejected. I tried to act disinterested and casually asked, "So, how long have you two been a thing?"
They looked at each other and shrugged.
"I don't know,” Denise said. “We met online. Been out on a few dates."
"So far so good," Nick added with a smile.
I forced another chuckle.
"Any luck with Grace?" Denise asked.
I told her what we learned.
"Do you guys want another round?" Nick asked.
I shook my head.
"Far be it from me to turn down a drink," JD said.
My eyes blazed into him. "We really need to get going."
JD frowned, then acquiesced. "Yeah. I'm probably already over my limit, anyway."
Denise gave us a curious glance. “JD has a limit?”
"Are you sure?" Nick asked.
"Yeah, I'm sure," JD responded.
"Babe, what do you want?" Nick asked Denise.
Babe. He was already calling her babe!
"Just a beer," she said.
"I guess we'll catch up with you later," I muttered.
"Yeah, I guess," Denise said confused by my abruptness.
JD followed me as I weaved through the crowd, pushing inside. We moved past the indo
or pool and out the main doors, stepping onto the sidewalk.
"Dude, I told you,” JD said like a know-it-all.
The muscles in my jaw flexed. "I don't want to talk about it."
JD decided to rub it in. "Think he's banging her yet?"
“I said I don’t want to talk about it.”
“He’s probably going to pile drive her tonight.”
"That could have been you, dude."
My eyes blazed into him.
"Oh, Nick! Give it to me, Nick. Harder, baby, harder!" Jack mocked.
"You're about to get on my bad side," I said, storming down the sidewalk.
Jack couldn't help himself. "Interdepartmental rules or not, I would have dated her."
"Yeah, well, hindsight is 20/20, isn't it?"
"Who knows? Maybe it won't last?" Jack said. "Or maybe he's the one? Maybe they'll get married?"
My stomach turned. I shot him another sideways glance.
He kept it up all the way back to the marina, thinking of little digs to get in. He had certainly gotten under my skin. The whole thing made me feel uncomfortable. I kept thinking about Denise with Nick, and I didn't like it one bit. I know, I was being a little bit of a hypocrite. Lord knows, I'd had my share of women. But the thought of Denise with another guy didn’t sit well.
It had turned out to be a crappy day all the way around, and I wondered how much worse things could get?
By the time we got back to the marina, whatever buzz I had from the whiskey had worn off. JD braved the traffic and headed back to his house, and I took Buddy for a walk. On my way back to the boat, I got a call from a number I didn't recognize.
"This is Tyson," I said into the phone.
"Hey, this is Teagan. Harper's friend. She said you were looking to hire a bartender?"
"I am."
"Great. When can we meet?"
"Can you come by tomorrow and interview with my head bartender?"
"Sure thing. What time?"
"10 AM?"
"Sounds perfect. Thank you so much! I really appreciate the opportunity. I look forward to meeting you."
I hung up and slipped the phone back into my pocket. I stopped in Diver Down and told Alejandro to expect Teagan in the morning. He seemed pleased to hear the news that we had another prospect.
I headed back to the boat and crawled off to sleep in the master suite. The dull thump of music filtered through the bulkheads from the ongoing party that lasted through the night. I managed to get a decent amount of sleep, despite the chaos.
The early morning was relatively quiet. The revelers were in recovery mode, sleeping off hangovers. I made breakfast and went for a morning run with Buddy while the island was mostly still a ghost town. I returned to the bar and reminded Alejandro that Teagan would be coming for an interview.
Two women in business attire pushed in through the main doors. I recognized one of them, and I tried to stifle a groan.
"I'm Brynn Douglas with Island Paradise Real Estate. I’m looking for Tyson Wild."
Alejandro pointed to me. I was sitting on a barstool at the end of the counter.
Brynn was with the raven-haired beauty that I spilled the drink on last night. Their heads turned, and the brunette looked at me with disdain.
She snorted.
I forced a smile as the two women approached.
Brynn had short, light brown hair, and wore a navy blazer and skirt. She introduced her client. "This is Finley Morgan. She's interested in the property. She's one of my best clients, and I thought I would offer her an exclusive first look."
I extended my hand, but Finley declined the invitation to shake.
"We've met,” Finley said.
"Oh, have you?” Brynn smiled. "Great!”
"You're the owner?" Finley asked in a condescending tone.
"No. That would be my sister. But she is out of town," I said. “So, you have to deal with me.”
Brynn picked up on the tension. She immediately launched into a sales pitch. She stood to receive a nice commission if the sale went through. "Diver Down has been a staple of the community for decades now. It is a steady earner and has an outstanding reputation for quality food and friendly service."
Brynn smiled.
“And the marina?" Finley asked.
"It's recently been revamped since the hurricane," I said.
Finley looked around and surveyed the establishment.
"I'm sure Tyson would be happy to show you the books, if you want to verify the earnings potential," Brynn said.
"That won't be necessary," Finley replied, flatly.
She strolled through the restaurant and stepped outside, onto the decking. The restaurant overlooked the ocean and had a magnificent view. A gentle breeze blew through Finley’s raven hair as she looked out over the water.
We followed.
"The slip fees in the marina generate a nice monthly income, and I'm sure those fees could be increased," Brynn said, hustling for the sale.
"Honestly, I'm not really concerned with the revenue of the business or the marina,” Finley said.
"What are your plans for the property?" I asked.
“This is a prime location, Mr. Wild. I plan on putting up a high-rise condominium with an exclusive marina. It will be THE premier luxury residence on the island."
My face tensed. "You can't do that!"
"If I purchase the property, I can do whatever I want.” A smug smile curled on her plump lips.
"Madison won't sell if you intend to tear this place down."
"I was under the impression that the owner had no stipulations on post-sale use," Finley said.
Brynn went into damage control mode. "There are no restrictions on the use of the property. Madison made that explicitly clear to me."
"Seems like you and your sister have things to discuss," Finley said, snidely. "I'm willing to make a generous offer. More than the asking price. I want to take this off the market before it gets listed. I'm willing to pay handsomely for that. Relay the message to the person who actually has the power to make a decision. If we have a deal, I would like to close on the property as soon as possible."
Brynn forced a nervous smile. "Excellent! I'm sure Madison will be more than happy with your offer. I will let her know."
"Good day, Mr. Wild," Finley said.
She spun around and strolled out of the restaurant. Brynn chased after her, assuring her the transaction could be completed with ease.
Rage boiled under my skin. There was no way I was going to let that woman turn this place into high-rise condos.
I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialed Madison's number. I gave her an earful. "Do you know what Finley plans on doing with the property?"
"Like I said, Tyson. If you want it. Buy it. If not, deal with it."
"Why are you doing this?"
"I already told you why,” Madison said.
I clenched my jaw and tried not to explode. "Give me time to come up with the money."
"You’re just trying to stall so I lose this deal."
"Give me a week."
"No. I'll lose the sale.”
"It's almost the weekend. I can't do anything now. At least give me till the close of business Monday."
Madison thought about it for a long moment. The line crackled with static as I waited for an answer.
"Hang on," Madison said. "I'm getting a call from Brynn."
She put me on hold and clicked over before I could say anything.
I sat there, tapping my foot nervously, my stomach a ball of acid. The wheels turned in my brain. How the hell was I going to come up with her asking price?
I stood on the patio deck, looking out over the water, wondering how much longer I'd be able to take in this view?
After a few minutes, Madison clicked back over. "Finley Morgan made a formal offer."
"And I told her that
you are interested in acquiring the property, and that I would give you until Monday to acquire the funds and put the place under contract.”
I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you."
"If you and I don't have a deal by the close of business Monday, I will move forward with Finley. Brynn is getting the paperwork ready."
"I understand."
I ended the call, slipped the phone back into my pocket, and stepped inside.
"What's going on?" Alejandro asked as I reached the bar.
There was no sense in trying to hide it. I gave him all the details.
He deflated. His shoulders slumped, and his jaw hit the floor. Alejandro looked at me, dumbfounded for a moment. "I can't believe she'd sell this place. This bar is everything to her."
"She's got a new everything."
Alejandro frowned. "I understand, but… I like it here. I don't want to find a new job."
"It hasn't happened yet."
His face twisted, dismissively. "No offense, but I don't see how you are going to come up with the funds in time."
I let out a heavy breath. "I don't either. But, I'm going to do my best."
Alejandro was in a state of utter dismay, almost panic. "I've got to start looking for another gig!"
"We have a little time,” I assured. “Even if the sale goes through, it will take a while to close."
"I gotta start looking now. My bills don't seem to care what my personal circumstances are. They keep coming."
A grim frown tugged at my face. "I understand. Just hang in there while I try to sort this out."
The wheels were turning behind his eyes. He was already trying to figure out where he could land. "What about the girl we’re supposed to interview this morning?"
In all the excitement, I had almost forgotten. "Like I said, let's move forward as if nothing is changing."
Alejandro sighed in resignation. "Okay. It's business as usual for the next few days."
"Have a little faith," I said, forcing a smile. I said it for my benefit as much as his.
A woman pushed through the main doors and sauntered toward the bar. She had a cheery smile on her face and said, "I'm looking for Tyson Wild."
"You must be Teagan?"
She extended her hand, and we shook.